We’ve Been Busy!

Hi Parents,

Miss Carol’s idea to come together on Friday and plant flowers for our moms is the perfect springtime preschool project. Miss Carol, Amy and I have been busy dropping off planting bags and taking the time to say hello to preschoolers and their families (at a safe distance).  One parent wrote “my child was ecstatic after your visit. Her mood instantly lifted and she came in skipping and singing.” I know as a teacher it does my heart good to reconnect with as many of you as I can.

I am posting and sharing some recent photos that were sent to me. They are great examples of how very busy preschoolers can be even when not at school. I hope you enjoy them!

Made a cardboard ice cream truck


Decorating a canopy (and learning how to tie knots) in her room
Building the chicken coup with Dad
Used some scraps from the wood pile and designed a guitar which then played while riding this “horse”
Feeding the chicks
Cutting fresh flowers
Serving ice cream for breakfast

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