All posts by ruthlove

Schedules for Preschoolers

Preschoolers fall into a separate category compared  to those children in grades K-6 in that they are still working on understanding  time. During this outbreak of Covid-19 and our being at home,  it is especially helpful to them to be able to see some sort of schedule.  At school we use a picture schedule that children learn to read and share with the class. The website “Khan Academy for Kids” has posted two different opportunities to make and print a picture schedule at home.  The first is a ready made picture  schedule and the second offers you the pictures to print and create your own.  Using a picture schedule will enable you to visually show your child that now it is time for them to ‘play’ while you do your work and when it is time for you to be together, they can see it on the schedule.



At preschool our morning circle begins with Calendar Time and Weather. I have included a little bit of that circle time for your child/children in the video above.

I am anxious to set up  Google Hangout with our preschoolers and will let you know when I have that all ready to go.  Thanks for your patience.





Miss You All

Hi Preschoolers,

It feels like a very long time since I have read you a story.  This is my first try recording one and I hope you like it.  It’s called “Bear Feels Sick.”

I miss seeing your faces and I really like the pictures some of you have emailed to me.

Please let me know if you liked this story.  It reminds me how important our friends are to us.

Sending hugs to you all!

Ruth Love

Some ideas for the Week of April 6, 2020



We’ve often talked about the changing seasons in class and at this time of year my focus would be Spring. Being outdoors there are so many opportunities to explore the changes that are taking place outside your home.

Here are some outdoor activities I would like to suggest for this week, remembering they are only suggestions:

  • Looking for insects
  • Preparing the garden by pulling out weeds and turning the earth over
  • Making a bird feeder out of recycled materials
  • Siting outside and drawing in nature. Then having your preschooler/preschoolers dictate to adult or older sibling what they drew.
  • Collecting groups of acorns, pinecones, rocks and putting them in groups of 5 or 10.
  • Making a nature collage using things collected on a nature walk

For Math you might:

  • Put together a more challenging puzzle
  • Preschooler sets the table for your family counting out the silverware and napkins
  • Baking a dessert together having the preschooler help measure and count the ingredients
  • Building a ramp that toy trucks/cars can go down and comparing whose vehicle goes the farthest
  • Cut out paper shapes – square, rectangle, triangle and then making a springtime picture using those shapes

Each Day Sing a Different Math Song

5 Little Monkeys, Jumping on the Bed

Here is the Beehive, Where are the Bees? –

Here is the beehive,
Where are the bees?
Hidden away where nobody sees.
Watch and you’ll see them come out of the hive. One…two…three…four…five!

The Ants Go Marching

There Were Ten in the Bed

Five Little Ducks




Fun in February

This month has been fun filled and adventurous for us here at preschool. We have pretended to be birds migrating south, soared down the snowy hill near our playground and have just had fun sliding down the slippery slide. Playing outdoors is a learning center in itself. Ice forms on the sandbox and children are mesmerized by the shapes and sights that they find. Why does bark float in the big puddle while other things sink to the bottom?

What’s Been Happening in Preschool

It is hard to believe that three months of school have passed. We have been busy getting to know each other and learning about our differences and similarities. We enjoyed our unit on community helpers and especially liked getting to know Fire Chief John as he came into our classroom and read us a story. Our trip to Baystate Franklin Medical Center was another highlight of the Fall. We thought you would enjoy some photos of our learning, both inside and outside of school.

We welcome your feedback and questions at any time.
Ruth Love and Miss Carol

What’s Been Happening in Preschool

The photos in this posting will hopefully give a glimpse of preschool life over these past couple of months. From winter to spring we have delighted in the many ways that we have experienced the changing of the seasons. We hope you enjoy our children and both their indoor and outdoor activities.


Back to school in 2017

We are off to a great start in the new year! Over the winter break we have grown in so many ways. Children are excited to experience the snowy ground and to learn about animals in winter. We have been busy making bird feeders as well as exploring the various senses we can use to learn about our winter environment.